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Κυριακή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2007

NOA - Βeautiful that way

Το soundtrack είναι από την ταινία La vita è bella – H ζωή είναι ωραία, μια από τις αγαπημένες μου ταινίες!! Όσες φορές και να τη δω θα είναι σαν να τη βλέπω για πρώτη φορά.. Η ταινία απέσπασε μεγάλο ειδικό βραβείο της επιτροπής στο φεστιβάλ των Kαννών 1998, Felix για την καλύτερη ευρωπαϊκή ταινία και Όσκαρ ξενόγλωσσης ταινίας, ανδρικής ερμηνείας στον Roberto Benigni και μουσικής στον Nicola Piovani ( 2000 Grammy Award for the best Instrumental Composition Written For A Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media).

1 σχόλιο:

gianna είπε...

NOA-Beautiful that way

Smile, without a reason why
Love, as if you were a child,
Smile, no matter what they tell you
Don't listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.

Tears, a tidal wave of tears
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way

Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own
Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone

Keep the laughter in you eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.

We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day,
Cause life is beautiful that way
There's still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way.

Υπέροχοι στίχοι.. και πόσο αισιόδοξοι.. Thanks χριστίνα,αλήθεια thanks!